Valerie Planche

actress, director, instructor

Valerie Planche, MFA

I believe teaching is an activity that must be nurtured and pursued with conscientiousness. The pedagogy of teaching evolves rapidly, as do the specificities of teaching in one’s discipline.

Valerie has an extensive teaching history, having taught classes at the University of Calgary, University of Alberta, Ambrose University and Mount Royal University. In addition, Valerie offers private coaching and facilitation sessions to professional actors, students, and members of the community, with a focus on acting, text, voice, and movement. 

My teaching philosophy is grounded in three basic principles: sharing knowledge, supporting growth, and building scholarship.

Valerie was the recipient of the Graduate Student Teaching Award, Faculty of Arts from the University of Alberta in 2014.

To contact Valerie regarding teaching or private coaching, please use the form below:

“I was really scared coming into this class, and I don't think I could've had a better prof. You've always made us feel so comfortable and at home in class. This course was nothing less than enlightening and your teaching was incredibly insightful. Thanks to you, I feel extremely prepared to face any higher-level acting course. I have learned a lot of important skills in this class that I'll carry with me for the rest of my life.” Ashfia Ahmed University of Calgary 2021